Fernanda Cunha, Interior Decorator presented at a recent event, held in Port Credit.  It proved to be very successful.

Those attending the Zest for Living decorating event at 6 Elizabeth Street South,  Port Credit’s lifestyle boutique were asked to bring along pictures, swatches and various samples with them.  Fernanda proceeded to help them choose what was best for their own decor.  Fernanda followed with a presentation, discussing the importance of colour, texture, and pattern. This interactive presentation was informative as well as entertaining and other decorating themed events will be arranged in the month of June and in July.

Fernanda Zest


Pictured, from the left to right, Fernanda Cunha, Interior Decorator and Bella Desa being presented with a consultation certificate she won, while attending the decorating event held recently at Zest for Living, a Lifestyle Boutique in Port Credit. Photo was taken by Photographer, Lisa Mininni who is also a BCX Oakville chapter member.